Ho-ly- cow, what a snow storm. Beats the wind & rain in SB, but caused almost zero visibility for the last 35 miles or so. I should have taken some car window photography, you wouldn't have believed how crazy it was! Instead I'll post some of our first pictures from Mammoth; Blizzard conditions all the way around.
In this round we see Robert and the kids braving a "walk" outside and everyone on their best behavior at Henneseys. Except for me of course, and that is a beer in my hand and I drank the whole thing. Parrrrty! Also, as you can see, we donned the bathrobes and took on the 40 mph winds and whiteout conditions to hot tub outside. We got 4 kids into it before we realized that the pool and jacuzzi's were turned down, apparently due to inclement weather. Sheeesh. Weather? We'll be the judge of that. So we got the kids out of the cold tub and ran for our lives through the snow. I have seldom been that cold. Finally, I've included a shot of Nick and Savanna having a sweet moment by th fire at the end of the day. Don't tell them I said that...
Very cool you guys! Even if you get stuck up there we're quite envious of the fun you're having! I am so excited that Rob & Vikki get to experience it with you via the blog. Keep it coming!
Wayne likes the first pic and wants to know if Nic and Savannah are on a date?
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