Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Day 4

Big day today. First of all, we finally saw the top, along with lots of other scenery, because the storm passed! So it seemed appropriate to toss in some photos of familiar places around the mountain while they were still visible. Late in the day we got to ski with the kids (after ski school) so it also seemed right to download some of those hasty, late afternoon shots. It is still cold here but everything is relative and compared to yesterday it seemed like Miami. Of course the cold will still take its toll and I almost lost today's kid pictures as a result. Feeling the need to ski with one glove off for better access to the shutter release, I discovered that the main side effect was a completely numb hand with very limited ability to hold a camera. Skiing and shooting went along OK for a few minutes until the camera hit the deck, battery and card slots popped open and snow filled the cavity. I collected all the snowy pieces, dried them off and fired it up again. Thank you Nikon.

In the miscellaneous category, the coyotes have taken over around here. We encountered one casually walking a public street on the way to Canyon yesterday and there was one acting as a sentinel over Lift 7; that and the crazy howling last night.

In any event, we all had a great day on the mountain and tomorrow looks even better. No ski school; we all ski together. Hopefully we'll get some decent photos in better quality light and maybe even a group photo if we can get the group to stand still for long enough. Hope you enjoy today's entries!

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